Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Purpose, direction, and a new post.

So now I have this blog thing, which means I should probably write in it as often as I can. My promise to myself is to post at least once a week here. For the roughly sixty of you who read the last entry, you'll notice that I didn't quite make it this week, considering last week's posts were put up in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, and here it is Tuesday afternoon or later (depending on where or when you're reading this). I will point out that I did actually make a second post last week, because only about four of you noticed that. To summarize, the second post was a brief comment of disgust at the vile Westboro Baptist "people," followed by an adorable video of bunnies in cups.

Which brings me to my first set of promises about this blog (for those of you following) -- Top of the list is that I will do my best to post here at least once a week. But second is that I will never link directly to any WBC owned site. I appreciate you all too much to expose you to directly to such filth (and I'll be damned if I drive any traffic their way). And my third promise to you, my tiny readership, is that I will never discuss Westboro Baptist here without also including some kind of adorableness involving kittens or bunnies or puppies. I realize that at least one among you is like Anya from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and stands opposed to all things bunny, so since the intent is to counter vileness with cuteness, I'll mix it up from time to time.

In keeping with that third promise (and since I brought up the WBC just now), here's an obscenely cute kitten:

With that out of the way, let's get back to the subject of the purpose and direction of this blog. As evidenced by last week's post, I certainly have political opinions. I've been wanting to start a blog for some time now, and my reaction to the events in Tuscon seemed as good an excuse as any to start. But now that I have, I'm reluctant to make this an explicitly political blog. While I do have very strong opinions about our country, our government and what's going on in the world today, I think not only would I burn out pretty quickly trying to be all political, all the time, I think you all would burn out pretty quickly too. Not to mention, the Internet is already awash in exclusively political blogs of all stripes and colors. It's going to be hard enough to be heard among the maddening crowd, without joining the looniest voices out there.

My intent for myself with this blog is simply to force myself to write more often. Not that there's any shortage of random people prattling on about whatever out here either, but if the Internet isn't about giving any old moron with an ISP or a cell phone a mouthpiece to spew whatever inane babble breezes through their noggin, then what exactly is it for? I mean, aside from porn.

And hey! Look at that! I'm a moron with an ISP and a cell phone.

Which is all a rather rambling, long winded and pointless (in other words, typical me) lead up to the purpose and direction of this post. One of the other projects I'm involved with, in order to encourage myself to write more, is a semi-regular Writing Party hosted by my good friend and fellow writer, Fionnegan Murphy. The idea is that, at the start of the party, a set of randomly generated criteria are provided for those who are participating. Once determined, the writers have two hours to produce something using those criteria.

He's hosted three so far, and this one was the first one I participated in, though due to a scheduling conflict, I had to telecommute, as it were. Well the entries for this round have been posted (see the link above), and they are excellent. We're supposed to put them up anonymously, and people can vote for their favorites in the comments. I actually screwed something up in my submission, and have sent Fionn a corrected manuscript, but I don't know yet if he'll be swapping that out.

Regardless, please go read the submission and vote. I was so engaged by what the party criteria inspired, I will be expanding considerably on my entry. I'll post an update of that here as soon as I finish a full draft and once the submissions have had time to be judged.

Also, please feel free yourselves to comment here, or on any other (I know, there's all of three right now) threads here on the blog. It's not just about me blabbing on about whatever, I want to hear you people blab too. In the comments, below.

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